Her Holistic Home
Her Holistic Home podcast is about living a holistic lifestyle in multiple ways! I will focus on three different topics in this podcast. Most of this is centered around my own experiences living a natural life for over 12 years and my journey as a mom of three: 1) Natural living - Let's talk about organic foods, supplementation, practitioners, and toxin free products. I have been medical freedom activist for years and this may also be an area I touch on. I love encouraging people to take care of their bodies because God only gave us one. 2) Faith - The culture has really come against Christians in strong way. Many of us have inadvertently fallen into the lies culture has told us. I am currently working towards my certification in Biblical counseling and I want to share with you what I am learning on a weekly basis! 3) Homeschooling - I absolutely consider myself a homeschooling activist. I was homeschooled myself and I am now homeschooling my children. I want to share my journey as a second generation homeschooler. I love encouraging moms to homeschool. Breaking our children away from government schools is just one way we can raise our children in Christ. I hope my experiences can be helpful to you in some way! Disclosure: I am an affiliate for some of the links included in my show notes or on my blog. Those affiliate statuses can change at any time although I try to keep them updated. I may receive compensation for using the links. All opinions are mine and I am only an affiliate for products I truly recommend. I am not a medical professional and all opinions should not be taken as medical advice.
29 episodes
My Favorite Homeschool Curriculum for 5th Grade
Check out my favorite curriculum choices for the upcoming year for my 5th grader (how do I have a 5th grader?!). We are continuing with some of our favorites and also adding some new ones this year. Check out the video on YouTube for more! ...
Season 3
Episode 3

Should You be Protecting Your Peace?
This is a very popular phrase right now and as Christians I want to encourage you to BE DISCERNING. Just because something sounds good or sounds logical doesn't mean it is Biblical. The concept of self-sacrifice is actually completely illogical...
Season 3
Episode 2

How Should We Approach Modesty?
Modesty is always a hot topic amongst Christian women. While there can be a lot of legalism around this topic, I think when we get to the heart of the matter, it can actually be pretty simple. Although most of my life I dressed pretty modes...
Season 3
Episode 1

My Favorite Tips for Saving Money while Eating Holistically
Sorry it has been a couple weeks since I have posted an episode! I was out of town and then had to take a couple of weeks to just catch up on life! Today's episode is some of the tips and tricks we use to save money when eating org...
Season 2
Episode 9

The Five Love or Lust Languages?
I have talked about discernment many times on this show but today I am going to question one of the widely popular books in Christianity today. I will say this, back in the early 1900’s psychology got a foothold in Christianity and while the...
Season 2
Episode 8

What is the Best Mattress Option? - Product Review
I personally have LOVED Naturepedic product. Not because they are a bigger name but because their quality has stood the test of time. I have several mattresses from them as well as mattress covers, and pillows. Compared to other brands I ...
Season 2
Episode 7

Don't Let Fear Overtake You PLUS 3 Supplements I am Trying this Year
The holistic community just like the allopathic community can be full of fear. As Christians we need to be very careful that we don't move from "taking care of our bodies" to fearing everything around us. In today's episode, I break down a litt...
Season 2
Episode 6

What is your REASON for Homeschooling? - Interview with TTD Founder Leslie Nunnery
I had the privilege of speaking with Leslie Nunnery the founder of the Teach Them Diligently homeschool conference this last week to discuss her new book Homeschool for the Heart. This book talks about what homeschooling should be about....
Season 2
Episode 5

The 5 Basic Homeschool Methods - Which is Right For Me?
Today I am breaking out the different methods of homeschooling. Many homeschoolers come into homeschooling and really wonder where to start with all the options. This will help you breakout which style may fit you best. However, these are not c...
Season 2
Episode 4

Is a Hospital Birth Really the Best Option? Have They Lied To You?
Today I am talking all about natural birth. I hope to elaborate on some of the topics in future episodes but this one is just an overview. I hope this can help you in your pursuit of a natural birth or if you are just trying to figure out if it...

Is Winter Dryness Getting You Down?
During this time when humidity is low and our heaters are on, dryness is something most of us may be experiencing, from our hands, to our skin, to our feet. However, many times the dry skin is because of a lack of internal hydration. In t...

Alcohol - Are you drinking it correctly?
Dive into another biblical counseling topic - the topic of alcohol. Our nation has a major problem with alcohol. While Christians are "free in Christ" many have taken this to mean that they can just sin freely, especially when it comes to alcoh...
Season 2
Episode 1

Ways to Make Your Christmas Season More Holistic
Today I am talking about some of the common toxic pitfalls during the holiday season and some easy ways to make them healthier. We all know this season is a time of massive amounts of sugar. However, even more dangerous are the dyes and chemica...
Season 1
Episode 17

We're Sick, Now What? My Favorite Remedies for Illness
The last week has been a week of sickness for my whole family (minus my husband). This episode I go over all of my favorite supplements and vitamins for illness. RC and Thieves Oils (my friend's YL link)https://www.youngliving....
Season 1
Episode 16

3 Dangers of the Holistic Community
Combining two topics today as I talk about holistic living from a Christian perspective. Sometimes it is easy to fall into things and not even take a step back and say "is this Biblical?" Many of these sins I committed too when I first st...
Season 1
Episode 15

Are You Worshipping Idols?
When we hear the word idol we think of the baals that the Israelites went after, or the golden calf. We may even think about the little Buddha statues we sometimes see around. However, we have an idol that is much more sneaky. Paul talks about ...
Season 1
Episode 14

The Toxins Lurking in Your Kitchen
Today I am talking about some ways of cleaning up your kitchen. There are so many toxins lurking around our kitchens (we have all heard of Teflon right?). Some of them we don’t even expect or think about. Here are some of my favorite suggestion...
Season 1
Episode 13

What should be your GOAL with Homeschooling?
Today I am breaking down the major arguments as to why people don't want to homeschool. I am challenging every person to analyze their hearts, their motives, and their goals. Are they aligned with God's goals?If you are already homescho...
Season 1
Episode 12

Are You Being Deceived?
As we walk in our faith as Christians, we have a calling. We have a calling to be discerning. This is so important especially for women. We are bombarded every day with different memes, books, articles. All geared towards women! Many of them se...
Season 1
Episode 11

Your Water Could Be Your Problem - How to Fix It?
Today I am breaking down my favorite systems for water filtration in your house. I am not going to talk about ALL the possible systems, but these are the ones we use in our home. I am specifically going to address permanent systems not temporar...
Season 1
Episode 10

Are Your Cosmetics Making You Sick?
What are you putting on your face? Is it healthy? We pay attention to what goes in our body but what about the outside? The products you put on your body can be causing a major toxic buildup. In this episode, I break down some resources for fin...
Season 1
Episode 9

Saying NO to Toxic Motherhood
What is toxic motherhood culture? Have you fallen into it? Should Christians engage in this type of dialogue? Today’s episode I dive into what scripture says about motherhood and how we can align our viewpoints with the word of God!
Season 1
Episode 7

Our Homeschool Curriculum Update - My Favorites So Far
Today’s episode is about the homeschool curriculum we use. This episode is obviously dated because we continue to shift our curriculum based on our needs. I even talk about some of the changes I am planning for NEXT year. We use a mix of differ...

My Favorite Supplements and Herbs
I get questions all the time about what supplements we use or what supplement company to use. It is totally understandable! The supplement market is flooded and it is difficult to know which companies to trust. Then when you trust one company, ...
Season 1
Episode 6

How to Create a Non-Toxic Sleeping Space
In this episode, I dig down into some of the ways to create a clean, holistic sleeping space for yourself and your kids. Sleep is when our bodies regenerate, rest, and heal. It is important to make this space an area that does not burden our bo...
Season 1
Episode 5