Her Holistic Home
Her Holistic Home
Don't Let Fear Overtake You PLUS 3 Supplements I am Trying this Year
The holistic community just like the allopathic community can be full of fear. As Christians we need to be very careful that we don't move from "taking care of our bodies" to fearing everything around us. In today's episode, I break down a little of the REASON for living holistically as well as talk about several different supplements I am trying in my home this year.
Here are some of the products mentioned in this episode:
Water Filtration
Earthly - Gut Health Oil
Seeking Health - Optimal Focus
Earthley - Magnesium Lotion
Feel Better Fast
Vaccine Detox
Disclosure: I am an affiliate for some of the links below. I may receive compensation for using the links. All opinions are mine and I am only an affiliate for products I truly recommend. I am not a medical professional and all opinions should not be taken as medical advice.