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The 5 Basic Homeschool Methods - Which is Right For Me?
Today I am breaking out the different methods of homeschooling. Many homeschoolers come into homeschooling and really wonder where to start with all the options. This will help you breakout which style may fit you best. However, these are not cut and dry boxes and believe it or not, your style may change over the years!
If you want to know more about these homeschool methods, I highly recommend checking out this post by Simply Charlotte Mason https://simplycharlottemason.com/five-homeschooling-styles/
Also, attending a Teach Them Diligently conference to learn more about these styles!
Check out that link to attend a conference! They have a conference in Pigeon Forge, TN coming up in early May and one in Round Rock TX. Additionally, if you join 365 you can access all the sessions online!
Traditional Method
https://www.apologia.com/?a_aid=63206cf34eb3c (amazing Science and Bible curriculum!)
Charlotte Mason
Unit Studies
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